Battery alerts help to keep your Magic Mouse always running.

The battery levels are refreshed every 15 minutes or when you click on the battery % gauge.

Alert types

The Magic Utilities support three kinds of battery alerts:

IconType DefaultRemarks
Recharged100%Only for rechargeable mice.

Alert windows

Each alert type can display two different alert windows:

NotificationBattery alert notification A small self-hiding popup displayed at the bottom right above the Windows Taskbar and in the Windows Action Center.
DialogBattery alert dialog A Magic Utilities popup dialog. Here you can set when or if you like to get reminded again.

Battery alerts visibility

From the Magic Utilities main-menu, toggle Settings > Battery alerts > Show battery alerts.

If  checked:

  • Notifications are always shown, unless they are  turned off in
    Windows Settings >  System >  Notification & actions.
  • Dialogs can be suppressed for each alert type with  Don't show again.

If  unchecked:

  • No notification or dialog are shown, the battery handler stays silent.

Customize when alerts are shown

From the main-menu select Settings > Battery alerts > and select the alert type.

Alternatively hold a modifier key as shown below and click on the battery % gauge.

RechargedshiftOnly for rechargeable mice.

The configuration dialog lets you set:

  • The percentage threshold when an alert is shown.
  • If the alert dialog is displayed.


Alert configuration dialog